SchaeferBooks Book Post for July 2023 titled Cridentials, Award, Critique

Credentials . Award . Critiques

“Author information is expected to include credentials.” What credentials do I have that would qualify me as an author? And again, the struggle of being qualified enough started in my mind. What course could give me the credentials that I need? With those credentials would there only be good critiques and the road to winning awards paved?


Last year our book “Journey with Joseph through Advent” entered into the competition for the “IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award. But now we were waiting to see what the judges would decide, waiting to see if the hard work paid off. But did I really need the opinion of judges to feel qualified maybe even have something to show? Let’s see what the judges critiqued.

The sign of the Benjamin Franklin Award

First topic is design, its rated the highest out of the three critiques that I received. “Inside, the layout is nicely done with the advent devotional on one page and a picture on the other, making this feel like a family devotional maybe more than just a young reader’s book.” Thank you Kyla Wiebe who created the art, Julie Karen Hodgins, who put it all nicely together and Colleen McCubbin with Siretona, who encouraged us to finally publish. They have really helped and that is why this book look its best! Thank you!!

Next up is the editorial section. “The writing is appropriately aimed at the 8 to 12 year old target age group, and the author has made a significant effort to translate Bible language into more informal, current usage.” And also, “Seeing this subject from Joseph’s point of view is interesting. The reflection questions at the end of each passage are age appropriate and allow for actual reflection from each child.” Great!! We did it, we met the books intentions.


Stuck in my mind was still this one critique: “Author information is expected to include credentials.” In the author information I wrote nothing about my master carpenter degree. Or is that what they asked for? I mentioned my life experience in development work and learning to communicate in a completely different context than I grew up in. But finally its up to you and why you would read someone’s book or listen to their story.

Certificates - a Form of Credentials

I just had a conversation with a group of students about who we all would listen to. It looks like earlier generations seem to trust credentials. This generation though, seem to listen to those that are not hiding but letting people see inside. This made me wonder: “Whom do I trust, and why?” Because I trust the author of this one book, it makes my list. Through its teachings I build my criteria about what or whom to trust and listen to. This quote from my trusted book, the Bible should say it all. You find it in 2 Timothy 3:16. “All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

What author do you decide to read or whom do you listen to and therefore trust? Or put another way, whose critiques are important to you and what credentials and awards won are worth it all?

I have asked some people to review the book because their critiques are important to me. Next BOOK POST will have more about that, so keep your eyes open, don’t miss it!!

The Bible we read
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